Activate a discount when ISS passes overhead, with Mechanic.

Mechanic is a development and ecommerce automation platform for Shopify. :)

Activate a discount when ISS passes overhead

You know what's worth celebrating? SPACE. Use this task to activate a discount code every time the International Space Station passes over your store (or some other location of your choice), powered by Mechanic webhooks, IFTTT, and NASA. πŸš€

Runs Occurs whenever user/space/iss is triggered. Configuration includes discount code, notification email address, and discount percentage.

15-day free trial – unlimited tasks


You know what's worth celebrating? SPACE. Use this task to activate a discount code every time the International Space Station passes over your store (or some other location of your choice), powered by Mechanic webhooks, IFTTT, and NASA. πŸš€

To get set up, follow our guide on Triggering tasks with IFTTT, with these modifications:

  1. When configuring your Mechanic webhook, use the event topic user/space/iss.
  2. When choosing an IFTTT service (for "+this"), search for and select the "Space" service.
  3. When choosing an IFTTT trigger, select "ISS passes over a specific location", and choose the location of your store. Or, whatever location you prefer. :)
  4. When configuring the webhook action, set the content type to "application/json", and set the body to the following code:

    { "duration_seconds": "{{DurationSeconds}}", "location_map_url": "{{LocationMapUrl}}" }

That's it! :) Every time the ISS arrives at your location, this task will activate the discount code of your choice (re-activating it when it already exists, and creating it if it does not), setting it to expire when the ISS departs.

Developer details

Mechanic is designed to benefit everybody: merchants, customers, developers, agencies, Shopifolks, everybody.

That’s why we make it easy to configure automation without code, why we make it easy to tweak the underlying code once tasks are installed, and why we publish it all here for everyone to learn from.

(By the way, have you seen our documentation? Have you joined the Slack community?)

Open source
View on GitHub to contribute to this task
Tasks use subscriptions to sign up for specific kinds of events. Learn more
discount code (required), notification email address (email), discount percentage (number, required)
{% assign discount_code_code = options.discount_code__required %}
{% assign discount_code = shop.discount_codes[discount_code_code] %}
{% assign price_rule = discount_code.price_rule %}

{% if and event.preview != true %}
  {% if discount_code == nil %}
    {% if price_rule == nil %}
      {% for some_price_rule in shop.price_rules %}
        {% if some_price_rule.title == discount_code_code %}
          {% assign price_rule = some_price_rule %}
          {% break %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if price_rule != nil %}
        "action": {
          "type": "shopify",
          "options": [
            ["price_rule", {{ | json }}, "discount_code"],
              "code": {{ discount_code_code | json }}
    {% else %}
      {"log": "Failed to find price rule; can't create discount code."}
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}
{% else %}
  {% assign starts_at = "now" %}
  {% assign ends_at = "now" | date: "%s" | plus: %}

  {% assign starts_at_day = starts_at | date: "%d %b" %}
  {% assign ends_at_day = ends_at | date: "%d %b" %}
  {% assign ends_same_day = true %}
  {% if starts_at_day != ends_at_day %}
    {% assign ends_same_day = false %}
  {% endif %}

  {% assign minutes = | divided_by: 60 | floor %}
  {% assign seconds = minutes | times: 60 | minus: | times: -1 %}

  {% if options.notification_email_address__email != blank %}
    {% capture email_subject %}The ISS has arrived! Discount {{ discount_code_code }} is now active{% endcapture %}
    {% capture email_body %}

      Mechanic has just activated the discount code <b>{{ discount_code_code }}</b> (for {{ options.discount_percentage__number_required }}% off), to celebrate the International Space Station arriving <a href="{{ }}">at your store</a>!

      The ISS will be overhead for {{ minutes }}m{{ seconds }}s, so the discount will be active from {% if ends_same_day %}{{ starts_at | date: "%l:%M %p" }} to {{ ends_at | date: "%l:%M %p" }} ({{ "now" | date: "%d %b" }}){% else %}{{ starts_at | date: "%d %b %Y at %l:%M %p" }}, to {{ ends_at | date: "%d %b %Y at %l:%M %p" }}{% endif %}. You can manage it from <a href="https://{{ shop.domain }}/admin/discounts?query={{ discount_code_code }}">your Shopify admin area</a>.

      Mechanic, for {{ }}
    {% endcapture %}

      "action": {
        "type": "email",
        "options": {
          "to": {{ options.notification_email_address__email | json }},
          "subject": {{ email_subject | json }},
          "body": {{ email_body | unindent | strip | newline_to_br | json }},
          "reply_to": {{ shop.customer_email | json }},
          "from_display_name": {{ | json }}
  {% endif %}

  {% if price_rule == blank %}
      "action": {
        "type": "shopify",
        "options": [
            "title": {{ discount_code_code | json }},
            "target_type": "line_item",
            "target_selection": "all",
            "allocation_method": "across",
            "value_type": "percentage",
            "value": "-{{ options.discount_percentage__number_required }}",
            "customer_selection": "all",
            "starts_at": {{ starts_at | date: "%FT%T%:z" | json }},
            "ends_at": {{ ends_at | date: "%FT%T%:z" | json }}

      "action": {
        "type": "event",
        "options": {
          "topic": "user/space/iss",
          "data": {
            "_sync": true
  {% else %}
      "action": {
        "type": "shopify",
        "options": [
          ["price_rule", {{ | json }}],
            "starts_at": {{ starts_at | date: "%FT%T%:z" | json }},
            "ends_at": {{ ends_at | date: "%FT%T%:z" | json }}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}
Task code is written in Mechanic Liquid, an extension of open-source Liquid enhanced for automation. Learn more
Discount code
Discount percentage