Schedule product tags by date, with Mechanic.

Mechanic is a development and ecommerce automation platform for Shopify. :)

Schedule product tags by date

Use this task to schedule adding and/or removing tags for specific products, with support for scheduling by date, or by date and hour.

Runs Occurs every day at midnight (in local time) and Occurs when a user manually triggers the task. Configuration includes dates and tags to add, dates and tags to remove, product ids, use hour specificity, and test mode.

15-day free trial – unlimited tasks


Use this task to schedule adding and/or removing tags for specific products, with support for scheduling by date, or by date and hour.

Use this task to schedule adding and/or removing product tags by date.

Use the "Product IDs" option to choose which products this task will tag. Learn how to find product IDs here.

Fill in the "Dates and tags to add" and/or "Dates and tags to remove" options with dates (including year, month, and day) on the left, and product tags on the right.

Enable "Use hour specificity" to have Mechanic schedule tags by date and hour, instead of only by date. When this option is enabled, fill in tag dates using an hour at the end, e.g. "2019-01-01 2PM". A date without an hour will be interpreted as midnight at the beginning of that date - for example, "2019-01-01" will be interpreted as "2019-01-01 12AM".

When "Test mode" is enabled, use the "Run task" button to see a summary of Mechanic's understanding of your configuration. Mechanic will not perform any tagging or untagging when this mode is enabled.

This task will run nightly, at midnight in your store's local timezone. If "Use hour specificity" is enabled, the task will run hourly instead. You can also run this task manually, using the "Run task" button, and the task will perform the operations appropriate for the current day (or hour, if "Use hour specificity" is enabled).

Developer details

Mechanic is designed to benefit everybody: merchants, customers, developers, agencies, Shopifolks, everybody.

That’s why we make it easy to configure automation without code, why we make it easy to tweak the underlying code once tasks are installed, and why we publish it all here for everyone to learn from.

(By the way, have you seen our documentation? Have you joined the Slack community?)

Open source
View on GitHub to contribute to this task
{% unless options.test_mode__boolean %}
  {% if options.use_hour_specificity__boolean %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
{% endunless %}

Tasks use subscriptions to sign up for specific kinds of events. Learn more
dates and tags to add (keyval), dates and tags to remove (keyval), product ids (array, number, required), use hour specificity (boolean), test mode (boolean)
{% if options.dates_and_tags_to_add__keyval == blank and options.dates_and_tags_to_remove__keyval == blank %}
  {"error": "Fill in at least one of 'Dates and tags to add' and 'Dates and tags to remove'. :)"}
{% endif %}

{% assign products = array %}
{% assign tags_to_add = array %}
{% assign tags_to_remove = array %}

{% for product_id in options.product_ids__array_number_required %}
  {% assign products[products.size] = shop.products[product_id] %}
{% endfor %}

{% if options.use_hour_specificity__boolean %}
  {% assign time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %I%p" %}
{% else %}
  {% assign time_format = "%Y-%m-%d" %}
{% endif %}

{% assign now_time = "now" | date: time_format %}

{% assign test_mode = options.test_mode__boolean %}
{% assign full_schedule = hash %}

{% for keyval in options.dates_and_tags_to_add__keyval %}
  {% assign some_time = keyval[0] | date: time_format %}

  {% if some_time == now_time %}
    {% assign tags_to_add[tags_to_add.size] = keyval[1] %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if full_schedule[some_time] == nil %}
    {% assign full_schedule[some_time] = array %}
  {% endif %}

  {% assign n = full_schedule[some_time].size %}
  {% assign full_schedule[some_time][n] = "add: " | append: keyval[1] %}
{% endfor %}

{% for keyval in options.dates_and_tags_to_remove__keyval %}
  {% assign some_time = keyval[0] | date: time_format %}

  {% if some_time == now_time %}
    {% assign tags_to_remove[tags_to_remove.size] = keyval[1] %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if full_schedule[some_time] == nil %}
    {% assign full_schedule[some_time] = array %}
  {% endif %}

  {% assign n = full_schedule[some_time].size %}
  {% assign full_schedule[some_time][n] = "remove: " | append: keyval[1] %}
{% endfor %}

{% capture log %}
    "now": {{ now_time | json }},
    "schedule": {{ full_schedule | json }},
    "product_ids": {{ options.product_ids__array_number_required | json }},
    "product_handles": {{ products | map: "handle" | json }}
{% endcapture %}

{% if test_mode %}
  {% action "echo" %}{{ log }}{% endaction %}
{% else %}
  {"log": {{ log }}}
{% endif %}

{% if event.preview %}
  {% if options.dates_and_tags_to_add__keyval != blank %}
    {% assign tags_to_add = array %}
    {% assign tags_to_add[0] = options.dates_and_tags_to_add__keyval.first[1] %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if options.dates_and_tags_to_remove__keyval != blank %}
    {% assign tags_to_remove = array %}
    {% assign tags_to_remove[0] = options.dates_and_tags_to_remove__keyval.first[1] %}
  {% endif %}

  {% assign products = array %}
  {% assign products[0] = '{"admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/Product/1234567890"}' | parse_json %}
{% endif %}

{% unless test_mode %}
  {% if products != empty %}
    {% if tags_to_add != empty or tags_to_remove != empty %}
      {% for product in products %}
        {% action "shopify" %}
          mutation {
            {% if tags_to_add != empty %}
                id: {{ product.admin_graphql_api_id | json }}
                tags: {{ tags_to_add | json }}
              ) {
                userErrors {
            {% endif %}

            {% if tags_to_remove != empty %}
                id: {{ product.admin_graphql_api_id | json }}
                tags: {{ tags_to_remove | json }}
              ) {
                userErrors {
            {% endif %}
        {% endaction %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}
{% endunless %}
Task code is written in Mechanic Liquid, an extension of open-source Liquid enhanced for automation. Learn more
Dates and tags to add
{"2019-08-24"=>"saturday", "2019-08-23"=>"friday"}
Dates and tags to remove
{"2019-08-24"=>"friday", "2019-08-23"=>"thursday"}
Product IDs