Sync inventory across a product type, with Mechanic.

Mechanic is a development and ecommerce automation platform for Shopify. :)

Sync inventory across a product type

Useful for custom orders, this task lets you offer multiple product and variant listings for what is ultimately the same stock. A purchase for a single product leads to the inventory for all other listings, of the same product type, being lowered by the amount ordered.

Runs Occurs when a user manually triggers the task and Occurs every 10 minutes. Configuration includes product types to monitor and only sync active products.

15-day free trial – unlimited tasks


Useful for custom orders, this task lets you offer multiple product and variant listings for what is ultimately the same stock. A purchase for a single product leads to the inventory for all other listings, of the same product type, being lowered by the amount ordered.

Getting started

  1. Populate the list of product types that you'd like this task to monitor.
  2. In the Shopify admin, navigate to the Products > Inventory area. For the first product type that you've chosen, search for all inventory items with that specific type, and ensure that all inventory items have the same "available" level. Repeat for each additional product type you're using.
  3. Back in Mechanic, click the "Run task" button. Mechanic will scan your product types, and cache the current available inventory for each one.
  4. Wait! :) Every ten minutes, Mechanic will check your inventory, and make any adjustments necessary to keep everything in sync. For example, if three different inventory items - within the same product type - are each sold three different times, Mechanic will ensure that each of those items are lowered by a further 6, and that all others are lowered by 9.


  • This task only counts and adjusts available inventory at the default location configured in Shopify.
  • By default, Mechanic will check your inventory every 10 minutes. Feel free to change that subscription to "mechanic/scheduler/hourly", or something else that suits your needs.

Developer details

Mechanic is designed to benefit everybody: merchants, customers, developers, agencies, Shopifolks, everybody.

That’s why we make it easy to configure automation without code, why we make it easy to tweak the underlying code once tasks are installed, and why we publish it all here for everyone to learn from.

(By the way, have you seen our documentation? Have you joined the Slack community?)

Open source
View on GitHub to contribute to this task
Tasks use subscriptions to sign up for specific kinds of events. Learn more
product types to monitor (array, required), only sync active products (boolean)
{% assign product_types = options.product_types_to_monitor__array_required %}
{% assign only_sync_active_products = options.only_sync_active_products__boolean %}

{% assign primary_location = shop.locations[shop.primary_location_id] %}

{% if event.topic == "mechanic/user/trigger" %}
  {% for product_type in product_types %}
    {% assign available_quantites = array %}
    {% assign cursor = nil %}

    {% capture search_query -%}
      location_id:{{ shop.primary_location_id }} product_type:{{ product_type | json }} managed:true
    {%- endcapture %}

    {% if only_sync_active_products %}
      {% assign search_query = search_query | append: " product_status:active" %}
    {% endif %}

    {% for n in (0..200) %}
      {% capture query %}
        query {
            first: 200
            query: {{ search_query | json }}
            after: {{ cursor | json }}
          ) {
            pageInfo {
            nodes {
              inventoryItem {
                inventoryLevel(locationId: {{ primary_location.admin_graphql_api_id | json }}) {
                  quantities(names: "available") {
      {% endcapture %}

      {% assign result = query | shopify %}

      {% if event.preview %}
        {% capture result_json %}
            "data": {
              "productVariants": {
                "nodes": [
                    "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/1234567890",
                    "inventoryItem": {
                      "inventoryLevel": {
                        "quantities": [
                            "name": "available",
                            "quantity": 30
                    "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/2345678901",
                    "inventoryItem": {
                      "inventoryLevel": {
                        "quantities": [
                            "name": "available",
                            "quantity": 30
        {% endcapture %}

        {% assign result = result_json | parse_json %}
      {% endif %}

      {% for variant in %}
        {% assign available_quantites = available_quantites | push: variant.inventoryItem.inventoryLevel.quantities.first.quantity %}
      {% endfor %}

      {% if %}
        {% assign cursor = %}
      {% else %}
        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% assign inventory_total = available_quantites | sum %}
    {% assign expected_inventory_total = available_quantites.first | times: available_quantites.size %}

    {% if inventory_total != expected_inventory_total %}
      {% error
        message: "Not all inventory levels are in sync. Manually ensure everything is at the same level, then try again.",
        product_type: product_type,
        expected_inventory_total: expected_inventory_total,
        inventory_total: inventory_total,
        available_quantites: available_quantites

    {% else %}
      {% assign cache_key = "inventory_by_product_type:" | append: product_type | sha256 %}
      {% action "cache", "set", cache_key, available_quantites.first %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

{% elsif event.topic contains "mechanic/scheduler/" %}
  {% for product_type in product_types %}
    {% assign cache_key = "inventory_by_product_type:" | append: product_type | sha256 %}
    {% assign inventory_old = cache[cache_key] %}

    {% if event.preview %}
      {% assign inventory_old = 30 %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if inventory_old == blank %}
      {% error
        message: "The inventory for this product type has not yet been cached. Manually synchronize the inventory for this product type and run this task manually per steps 2 and 3 in the task instructions.",
        product_type: product_type
    {% endif %}

    {% assign variants = array %}
    {% assign available_quantites = array %}
    {% assign cursor = nil %}

    {% capture search_query -%}
      location_id:{{ shop.primary_location_id }} product_type:{{ product_type | json }} managed:true
    {%- endcapture %}

    {% if only_sync_active_products %}
      {% assign search_query = search_query | append: " product_status:active" %}
    {% endif %}

    {% for n in (0..200) %}
      {% capture query %}
        query {
            first: 200
            query: {{ search_query | json }}
            after: {{ cursor | json }}
          ) {
            pageInfo {
            nodes {
              inventoryItem {
                inventoryLevel(locationId: {{ primary_location.admin_graphql_api_id | json }}) {
                  quantities(names: "available") {
      {% endcapture %}

      {% assign result = query | shopify %}

      {% if event.preview %}
        {% capture result_json %}
            "data": {
              "productVariants": {
                "nodes": [
                    "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/1234567890",
                    "inventoryItem": {
                      "id": "gid://shopify/InventoryItem/1234567890",
                      "inventoryLevel": {
                        "quantities": [
                            "name": "available",
                            "quantity": 25
                    "id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/2345678901",
                    "inventoryItem": {
                      "id": "gid://shopify/InventoryItem/2345678901",
                      "inventoryLevel": {
                        "quantities": [
                            "name": "available",
                            "quantity": 31
        {% endcapture %}

        {% assign result = result_json | parse_json %}
      {% endif %}

      {% assign variants = | concat: variants %}

      {% if %}
        {% assign cursor = %}
      {% else %}
        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% for variant in variants %}
      {% assign available_quantites = available_quantites | push: variant.inventoryItem.inventoryLevel.quantities.first.quantity %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% assign inventory_total_old = inventory_old | times: available_quantites.size %}
    {% assign inventory_total_new = available_quantites | sum %}
    {% assign inventory_total_diff = inventory_total_new | minus: inventory_total_old %}
    {% assign inventory_new = inventory_old | plus: inventory_total_diff %}

    {% log
      inventory_old: inventory_old,
      inventory_total_old: inventory_total_old,
      inventory_total_new: inventory_total_new,
      inventory_total_diff: inventory_total_diff,
      inventory_new: inventory_new,
      product_type: product_type,
      variants_count: variants.size,
      variants: variants

    {% if inventory_new == inventory_old %}
      {% log "No inventory adjustments needed for this product type." %}
      {% continue %}
    {% endif %}

    {% action "cache", "set", cache_key, inventory_new %}

    {% assign inventory_adjustments = array %}

    {% for variant in variants %}
      {% assign inventory_adjustment = hash %}
      {% assign inventory_adjustment["inventoryItemId"] = %}
      {% assign inventory_adjustment["locationId"] = primary_location.admin_graphql_api_id %}
      {% assign inventory_adjustment["delta"] = inventory_new | minus: variant.inventoryItem.inventoryLevel.quantities.first.quantity %}
      {% assign inventory_adjustments = inventory_adjustments | push: inventory_adjustment %}
    {% endfor %}

    {% if inventory_adjustments != blank %}
      {% assign groups_of_inventory_adjustments = inventory_adjustments | in_groups_of: 250, fill_with: false %}

      {% for group_of_inventory_adjustments in groups_of_inventory_adjustments %}
        {% action "shopify" %}
          mutation {
              input: {
                reason: "correction"
                name: "available"
                changes: {{ group_of_inventory_adjustments | graphql_arguments }}
            ) {
              inventoryAdjustmentGroup {
                changes {
                  item {
                  location {
              userErrors {
        {% endaction %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Task code is written in Mechanic Liquid, an extension of open-source Liquid enhanced for automation. Learn more
Only sync active products